How’s your experience in food ordering and receiving? As we all know, the food we order at restaurants doesn’t constantly appear precisely similar to what it does in the pics – and it’s absolutely normal. Usually, the pics in the menu or the commercial have been possibly taken in a studio by professionals who do it for a living.
However, we still expect the food to appear as a minimum somewhat similar to the commercial we see– and at the same time there might be some situations when we receive food that makes us question whether it’s the same thing we ordered
People who received meals that appear virtually not anything like what they ordered is sharing ‘expectations vs. reality’ photos, and they’re absolutely hilarious and some of them make us laugh. But the feeling who received them would be anger of course.
Someone has received bruschetta that seems like burnt pizza crusts, while someone else receiving some pretty disappointing burgers. Surely it will be interesting to check out these ridiculous differences between ordered vs received foods in restaurants in the pictures below!
#1 What he received as a “grande stacker box”
#2 Southwestern Steak Salad Pictures Vs Reality
#3 Cheese fries from Buffalo Wild Wings
#4 “Top is menu bottom is what they served me. No, millennials didn’t kill Appleby’s, they committed suicide”
#5 Grill Dog Cheddar and Bacon
#6 “The 3 pieces of lettuce was a nice touch I guess”
#7 “A Texas sized disappointment”
#8 “Restaurant’s charcuterie board as advertised vs what I got”
#9 “Expectation vs 2020”
#10 “why do you treat me this way?”
#11 “A Texas sized disappointment”
#12 “Jack in the Box Tacos”
#13 “Damn, I am so looking forward to eating this delicious burger with copious amounts of Guacamole, just as advertised, and then- oh wait..”
#14 “Dreams Were Dashed At The Airport”
#15 “Subway Pizza”
#16 “Cookies and Cream Stuffed French Toast”
#17 “I ordered bruschetta from my local pizza shop”